Hassan is organising with John Ikidi to go to Abuja to present “Scout Creating a better world” through Scouts Democratise Space.
World First runlinc Myriota satellite IoT Scout STEM BADGE to create Gender Equality SDG5.
Create an ASR SISTER Unma Salma Rabiu Legacy of World Girl Scout leader to democratise space.
More STEM Less Social Media
Scouts in School curriculum
Battle of AI
Hassan is Scout in Kaduna State in Nigeria working with John Ikidi a proud member of Hakka Association of South Australia HAKKSA to be the the First of the 57 millions Scouts to earn the Scout satellite 🛰️ IoT STEM BADGE using the World First runlinc Hakka Technology satellite 🛰️ IoT for STEM made possible by Kanyini LEO satellite 🛰️ funded A$6.5 million by the South Australian Government and the Myriota transceiver.