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13 year old Valar Rajesh says runlinc Satellite IoT Easy Coding Competitive Advantage of a few lines of Easy Coding instead of hundreds of lines of difficult coding C++ helped her to win 2024 Royal Adelaide Show STEM competitions. The judges called Valar’s runlinc satellite 🛰️ IoT project a World First and a GameChanger for STEM education because they have not come across students using satellite 🛰️ IoT capabilities in their projects.
Valar showed her runlinc Easy Coding Satellite 🛰️ IoT Beehives Bushfire Early Warning System saves time and money in making STEM IoT AI projects.
After seeing Valar’s and Alex Farmer’s runlinc Easy Coding satellite 🛰️ projects at APU University in Malaysia, Juicy Kadressen a final year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student responded quickly. He immediately took the rare opportunity to join STEMSEL to share his experience on Difficult Coding C++ with Malaysian Prime Minister’s Good Governance anti corruption adviser, Minister and Deputy Minister of Science Technology Innovation.
He confirmed it is not possible to complete Valar’s or Alex’s satellite 🛰️ IoT projects using Difficult Coding C++ in the short time based on runlinc Easy Coding.
Juicy’s quick response opens up a life changing opportunity to support STEM Students Democratise Space project earmarked by Malaysian Prime Minister’s Good Governance Adviser. He wants Malaysian students to use runlinc Quality Education SDG4 competitive advantage to win STEM Competitions, Scholarship and jobs and ultimately cost savings in STEM education.
Malaysian Prime Minister (PM) hosts ASEAN 2025 and invited the former PM of Thailand Thaksin Sinawatra as adviser.